Join the ISC
The ISC is the largest network of scientists and professionals representing all the citrus-producing countries of the world. The goal of the ISC is to foster international cooperation in the promotion and encouragement of research, exchange of information, and education in all aspects of citrus production, harvesting, handling, and distribution of both fresh fruit and products. Today the ISC and other citrus organizations, such as the International Organization of Citrus Virologists (IOCV) and the International Society of Citrus Nurserymen (ISCN), contribute to the most important framework for research, development and innovation for the worldwide citrus industry. Through membership in the ISC you gain an unequaled opportunity to interact with colleagues who have broad interests and areas of expertise.
> Membership benefits
Discount registration fee at International Citrus Congresses (ISC Membership in good standing required when registering). Attending an ISC congress is the best way to keep abreast of the latest advances in all areas related to citrus.
With membership you can participate in ISC working groups with fellow researchers. Members also receive e-mail announcements on diverse topics relevant to citrus and up-coming meetings and symposia around the world.
ISC members will have exclusive access to a panel of citrus experts and as a member you can join this panel by filling out the designated area of ISC dues payment form.
Your membership and that of your colleagues determines the number of representatives a country has in the Executive Committee. Countries with more than 5% of total ISC membership will have two representatives; countries with more than 1% but less than 5% will have one representative; countries with less than 1% will have no representative.
> Membership Dues
Four-year Individual Membership: US$ 30.00; payable anytime of the year. Join the ISC today and ask a friend to join. Print the required pro forma invoice, fill it out and e-mail it to the ISC Secretary/Treasurer at Credit card payments can now be made through PayPal (below). We will still accept payments by check or money order payment directly to the ISC (not PayPal). Credit card payments are no longer accepted. Receipts for payment will be sent to members within approximately two weeks of receipt of the pro forma invoice and payment.
ISC membership pro forma invoice.