Name and Location
(a) The name of this organization shall be the "International Society of Citriculture." Its abbreviation referred to in this document shall be "ISC" or "the Organization" or "the Society." (b) This Organization is incorporated and has its headquarters, at present, in California .
(c) All official document headings of ISC, such as Announcements, Newsletters, Congresses, stationery, etc. shall bear the full title and logo of the society.
Section 1. The objectives of this organization shall be to promote and encourage research, exchange of information, and education in all aspects of citrus production, harvesting, handling, and distribution of both fresh fruit and products through:
(a) Sponsorship of an international congress every three to five years at such places as may be suitable, with the provision that the papers and transactions of said organization shall be promptly published as a Proceedings. In between these major international congresses, the Society may sponsor occasional regional meetings on specialized topics.
(b) Preparation and distribution to its membership of such information as from time to time comes to light and is deemed to promote the objectives of this organization.
A newsletter should be sent to all members at least once a year. An editor shall be appointed to produce the Newsletter.
(c) Development and promotion of international cooperation in the acquisition of and exchange of information valuable to those engaged in research, education, production, and distribution of citrus.
Section 2. Finances. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall be used for the private benefit of any member or for propaganda, political, or religious activity of any kind or form. Rather, all monies accumulated from member dues, sale of proceedings, and residues from congresses shall be used solely for the purpose outlined in Article II, Section 1.
Section 1. Eligibility. Any person, corporation, membership, unincorporated association, or organization interested in one or another aspect of citrus culture, handling, marketing, processing, transportation, research, or education who is interested in the objectives of this organization, agrees with the by-laws, and pays dues will be eligible for membership. Each one of the above mentioned organizations is considered as a single member. There shall be no limit to the number of members.
Section 2. Classes of Members. Membership shall be of three classes: ordinary, honorary, and fellow.
(a) Ordinary members - Any person interested in citrus research, teaching, production, processing, marketing, and any other aspect is eligible for membership.
All ordinary members shall pay the established membership dues and, additionally, when attending international congresses of the organization shall be required to pay the registration fees.
(b) Honorary members - The organization at its regular congress or during official post-congress tours may grant honorary memberships to persons who have contributed significantly to the growth, welfare, functions, or activities of ISC. The President, President-Elect, Past President of ISC in attendance, and the current President of the congress organizing committee shall constitute a committee to consider the granting of honorary memberships. Members of ISC may submit names of persons to be considered for this honor. Honorary members may serve on committees and as officers of the Society where, because of their interest and qualifications, they can contribute to aims and activities of ISC. Honorary members will be exempt from paying registration fees when participating in ISC congresses.
(c) Fellow member - ISC's most prestigious award - The Executive Committee of ISC may award up to two Fellows of the Society in each congress in recognition of their significant contributions to (i) the worldwide citrus industry and (ii) the activity and welfare of ISC. Each member in good standing in the society has the right to nominate a candidate in writing to the Executive Secretary/Treasurer. The specified deadline for nominations will be approximately 90 days prior to the start of the ISC Congress. The Executive Secretary/Treasurer will call for nominations in the ISC Newsletter preceding the Congress. The President will call for nominations and provide instructions for preparing nominations on the ISC website. Nominations must document the importance of the candidate's contributions to worldwide citrus and to ISC and be accompanied by letters from two members in good standing who second the nomination. The Executive Secretary/Treasurer will present all nominations completed by the deadline to the Executive Committee by e-mail at least 30 days prior to the start of the Congress for vote by secret ballot for up to two candidates. Voting will take place during a two-week period specified by the Secretary/Treasurer. A two-thirds plus one affirmative vote is required for approval of the award. Fellow members will be exempt from paying registration fees when participating in ISC congresses (Enacted July 2012).
Schedule of Payment of Dues and Fees
Section 1. Membership dues shall be paid by each active member to cover the period (usually three to five years) between international congresses. These will be decided by the Executive Committee at the time of each congress.
Section 2. (Former Section 3) Members who become delinquent in payment of dues will be dropped from the membership if dues are not paid within one year (12 months) after note of delinquency has been sent to them.
Section 3. (Former Section 4) The amount of registration fee for each congress shall be determined by the local congress organizing committee after consultation with the President of ISC.
Officers and Committees
The affairs of the ISC shall be conducted through Officers and Committees.
Section 1. Officers.
(a) Officers of ISC shall consist of a President, a President-Elect, the immediate Past-President (ex-officio), and an Executive Secretary/Treasurer.
(b) The offices of President and President-Elect shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee (Section 2).
(c) The Executive Secretary/Treasurer shall be appointed--or reinstated--by the President at the beginning of the President's term of office.
(d) Terms of Office: From the end of a regular scheduled congress until the adjournment of the next congress.
The terms of both the current President and President-Elect shall be completed at this date, with the President-Elect succeeding to the office of the President of ISC. The newly elected President-Elect will assume office at this time.
(e) If a future congress is to be held jointly in two countries, a dual presidency may be elected, each to serve as President-Elect and subsequently Co-President during the period until the adjournment of the next congress in one or both respective countries.
Section 2. Executive Committee.
(a) The Executive Committee shall consist of not more than 30 members, including the officers of ISC.
(b) The members of the Executive Committee shall be appointed by the President of ISC deemed necessary by him or as recommended by the membership of the countries represented in the Executive Committee. The President of ISC shall chair the Executive Committee.
(c) This section was implemented in 2001. The number of representatives in the Executive Committee for each country should not exceed two and should be based on the ordinary membership roll of each country expressed as percentage of the society's total membership. Countries with more than 5% of total ISC membership will have two representatives; countries with more than 1% but less than 5% will have one representative; countries with less than 1% will have no representative. International institutions wishing to be represented on the Executive Committee will have one representative representing all international institutions and will be subject to approval by the President.
In exceptional circumstances, however, and also subject to approval by the President, a representative may be appointed to the Executive Committee from a major citrus producing country which does not satisfy the above mentioned qualification criteria. In cases where the number of members of ISC of a country is less than 1%, the President may appoint an observer to the Executive Committee without voting rights.
(d) Terms of Office: Concomitant with those of the Officers of ISC. At the beginning of each term, the President will confirm the continuation of the term of a member of the Executive Committee or, if necessary, appoint a new member according to the procedure under Section 2(b).
In case of a vacancy of the position of an Executive Committee member between two congresses, the procedure of appointing a substitute will follow the directives under Section 2(b).
(e) The Executive Committee shall have authority to act for ISC between meetings.
Each member of the Executive Committee shall serve as connecting link between the membership of his/her country and the Executive Secretary/Treasurer. Each shall (1) report from time to time about events and individual members, local meetings, promotions, deaths, etc.; (2) receive information from the Executive Secretary/Treasurer about items of general interest and, especially, about membership status in his/her country; (3) report to the Executive Secretary/Treasurer on his/her activities concerning membership dues.
(f) Each representative in the Executive Committee should nominate a stand-in, subject to the President's approval, who can immediately assume the role of that representative should he become ill or otherwise incapacitated.
(g) A quorum of an Executive Committee meeting shall consist of at least ten representatives.
Section 3. Other Committees. (Former Section 6) The President shall appoint other committees, permanent or ad hoc, and committee chairmen as may be needed.
Section 1. At any appropriate time during a regularly scheduled congress of ISC, the Executive Committee shall meet, decide on the next meeting places (country and city) three to four or five years hence, and nominate and elect a President-Elect.
Section 2. In case the office of President of ISC becomes vacant for any reason, the current President-Elect shall automatically assume all responsibilities as President of ISC, except those for the organization and duration of the current congress, for which the present President will appoint a "Vice-President of the Congress" from his own country.
When normal election procedures cannot be carried out to fill irregular vacancies of elected officers (including committee members), the President of the organization shall fill these vacancies by means deemed suitable to him.
Section 3. If, because of a vacancy, the President-Elect succeeds to the office of President six months or more before the end of the normal term, he shall relinquish this office at the adjournment of the subsequent congress in that country for which he is directly responsible. The person holding the office of President-Elect will then become President to serve through the next regular congress. Otherwise (less than six months of the normal term) both officers shall remain in their respective offices for another term.
Duties of Officers
Section 1. President: The duties of the President shall be to direct the affairs of the organization during his term of office by:
(a) Appointing the necessary committees and a chairman of each committee.
(b) Serving ex-officio with each committee, offering his advice, counsel, and suggestions for efficient and productive accomplishment towards the aims of ISC.
(c) Working with and assisting the Committee for Organization of the congress that will be held during his tenure of office.
(d) Working with the Immediate Past-President and the Chairman of the Editorial and Publications Committee in publication of the proceedings of the last-held congress.
(e) Informing the Executive Secretary/Treasurer regarding announcements and information to be sent to the members of ISC.
(f) Taking the necessary action to initiate programs of activities which the organization requests by majority vote at regular business sessions.
(g) Publicizing newsworthy activities and forthcoming international congresses of ISC in selected scientific and trade journals.
Section 2. President-Elect : The duties of the President-Elect shall be to assist the President when called upon in the promotion of the programs and projects of ISC. In case of resignation or incapacitation of the President of ISC, the President-Elect shall automatically assume the office of the President.
Section 3. Executive Secretary/Treasurer : The duties of the Executive Secretary/Treasurer shall be:
(a) To receive membership applications, maintain a mailing list of all members, and send out necessary information regarding payment of dues, etc.
(b) To receive membership dues and other monies of the organization, which shall be deposited into one or more bank accounts in the name of International Society of Citriculture.
(c) To sign checks for necessary and legitimate expenses of the organization; keep accurate and up-to-date accounting records; and prepare a financial statement for presentation at the regular Executive Committee sessions of congresses and to such other persons or organizations as required or requested.
(d) To prepare and distribute by mail all official announcements except those which may be sent directly by the President of ISC or by individual committee chairmen.
(e) To maintain the necessary liaisons with printers of ISC proceedings or other official documents to insure prompt fulfillment of orders for these materials.
(f) To perform such additional duties as may be requested by the President.
Section 4. Immediate Past-President : The duties of the Immediate Past-President shall be:
(a) To promptly see to the editing, publication, and distribution to registrants of the proceedings of the congress just concluded, also sale of extra sets of reprints and proceedings.
(b) To prepare in due course a financial statement showing receipts and expenditures. If, from the sale of proceedings, reprints, dues from members, and registration fees, there is any surplus of funds after paying all bills, such funds, together with the financial statement, shall be sent to the ISC Executive Secretary/Treasurer, subject to laws of any country which may forbid such money transfers.
(c) To furnish such other information to the President and/or Executive Secretary/Treasurer as may be of interest to the ISC membership.
Conferences , Official Language, and Publications
Section 1. Unless there are reasons to do otherwise, official congresses of ISC shall be held at three- to five-year intervals. The locations and dates of congresses shall be decided by the President, President-Elect, and the Executive Committee after consideration of (i) invitations received from sponsoring countries or institutions; (ii) geographic location; (iii) sites of prior congresses; and (iv) other contributing factors.
Section 2. English shall be the official language for published proceedings and other publications of the organization. At congresses of ISC, papers may be read in other languages if instantaneous translation into English can be provided. The organization may grant permission to reprint its official publications in other languages and may, under special situations, sponsor original publication in languages other than English.
Section 3. The proceedings of the ISC congresses shall be published promptly. If discount prices for the proceedings are available, members in good standing may purchase one copy of each volume through the Executive Secretary/Treasurer or other designated person or agency at the announced price.
ARTICLE IX - New Article
Affiliation of National Citrus Societies with ISC
The Society welcomes affiliation from any national society of citriculture. The ISC itself derives benefit from its affiliation with the International Society of Horticultural Science. Through its affiliation with a national society of citriculture, the ISC can benefit from the national society's capacity to provide much of the necessary infrastructure when that country is selected as the location for a meeting of ISC.
Affiliation will depend on each national society encouraging its members to also become members of ISC. The national society will be responsible for the collection of ISC dues which will be transmitted, together with names and addresses, to the Executive Secretary/Treasurer of ISC. In some countries, it is likely that not all members of the national society will wish to join the ISC. Where this occurs, the ISC will correspond only with those who are ISC members. Each national society will be responsible for translating, reproducing, and distributing ISC newsletters to its members.
ARTICLE X - New Article (Approved July 29, 2008)
Affiliation of the Citrus Section of the International Society for Horticultural Sciences (ISHS) with ISC
Article IX notes that the ISC benefits from its affiliation with the International Society for Horticultural Sciences (ISHS). Formation and affiliation of the Citrus Section of the ISHS further strengthens the relationship between the two societies to their mutual benefit since the objective of both organizations is to promote and encourage research, exchange of information, and education on all aspects of citrus production, harvesting, handling, distribution of fresh fruit and products, and preservation of germplasm. The relationship between the ISC and ISHS is further strengthened by each society encouraging its members to become members of the other society, by participation of members in both societies in ISC congresses and ISHS Citrus Section symposia, and by the election of the officers of the Citrus Section under the auspices of the ISC in perpetuity.
Section 1. Officers.
(a) Officers of the Citrus section shall consist of a Chair, a Vice-chair and a Past-chair elected by members in good standing (i.e., dues current through the voting period) of the ISC.
(b) The offices of Chair, Vice-chair and Past-chair shall be elected by majority vote of the ISC members in good standing. The first Vice-chair will be elected in conjunction with the ISC Congress in 2008 and assume the office of Chair of the Citrus Section at the close of the International Horticulture Congress 2010 and move to the Office of Past-chair at the close of International Horticultural Congress in 2014. A new Vice-chair of the Citrus section will be elected by majority vote of the ISC members in good standing and assume the office of Vice-chair of the Citrus section with each subsequent ISC Congress, with the obligation of assuming the offices of Chair and Past-chair as stated above. If the Vice-chair cannot complete the term of office, a special election will be held and a new Vice-chair elected by ISC members in good standing. If the Chair cannot complete the term of office, the Vice-chair will assume the office of Chair. A special election will be held to elect a new Vice-chair by ISC members in good standing. If the Past-chair cannot fulfill the term of office the most recent Past-chair will assume the office. If no Past-chair is able to assume the office, Past-presidents of the ISC should be asked to serve.
(c) A call for nominations for the Office of Vice-chair will be sent electronically and/or by hardcopy, according to members preferred means of communication, as part of the ISC newsletter, or separately, to all members of the ISC who have paid dues within the last 8 years. Those members whose dues are in arrears will be notified that their vote in the up-coming election will not count unless their dues are made current. Nominees must be ISC members in good standing. Current Executive Committee members and Past-presidents of the ISC and Past-chairs of the Citrus Section should decline nomination in order to expand opportunities for additional members to serve. Nominations must be received by the Secretary/Treasurer within 4 weeks of the call and accompanied by a 500-word statement describing the nominee's credentials for the position and willingness to serve and carry out the duties of the office. In the case of more than three nominees, the Executive Committee will vote by secret ballot by e-mail within one week of the statements and ballot being sent by e-mail and the three nominees with the most votes will comprise the final ballot. Nominees will be given two weeks to provide a 1,000-word statement describing their credentials and goals as Vice-chair and subsequently Chair of the Citrus Section. The ballot would then be sent by e-mail to all ISC members in good standing with the deadline for voting 4 weeks from posting. The nominee with the most votes becomes the Vice-chair and is introduced at the closing ceremonies of the Congress, at which time the new Vice-Chair would make a brief statement.
(d) Duties of the officers of the Citrus Section of ISHS include the following. Chair of the Citrus Section serves on the Executive Committee of the ISHS and leads the members of section, which undertakes the scientific and technical work of the ISHS and may form Working Groups (see Statutes of the ISHS @ It is the expectation of the ISC that the Chair of the Citrus Section will promote open international collaboration in all areas of citrus research, hold meetings in locales accessible to individuals from all nations, and schedule symposia and work group meetings to enhance and not diminish participation in the activities of the ISC. The Chair of the Citrus section will be a member ex officio of the ISC Executive Committee and will report on the activities of the Citrus Section to the Executive Committee and to members of ISC at closing ceremonies of the Congress. The Chair assumes the office of Past-chair at the close of the International Horticultural Congress following assumption of the office of Chair. The Vice-chair assists the Chair in achieving the goals of the Citrus section, attends the annual ISHS Executive Committee meeting if the Chair cannot attend (note that in this case the Chair's ISHS financial support to attend this meeting goes to the Vice-chair) and assumes the office of Chair at the close of the International Horticultural Congress following election as Vice-Chair. The Past-chair serves as a resource to the new Chair and assists the chair in achieving the goals of the Citrus Section, especially during the 2-year period until the new Vice-chair is elected, and during this period may be called upon to attend the annual ISHS Executive Committee meeting if the Chair cannot attend (note that in this case the Chair's ISHS financial support to attend the meeting goes to the Past-chair).
ARTICLE XI (Former Article IX and then X)
Section 1. Proposals for amendment (s) of these by-laws, if signed by six members of ISC, may be submitted to the President of ISC at any time. Normally, the Chairman shall present any such proposals to the members in attendance at a regularly convened business session of the Executive Committee. If two-thirds of these members vote in favor of an amendment, it shall be adopted. Should the need for amendment(s) of these by-laws be of such urgency as to require action before a regular business session can be convened, the President of ISC is authorized to instruct the Executive Secretary/Treasurer to proceed as necessary to present the proposed change(s) to the membership by mail for their acceptance or rejection.
end of by-laws